In-circuit Fault injection HIL for your products validation
Validation Novasom Industries

In-circuit Fault injection HIL for your products validation

What about validation? If debugging techniques adopted into R&D process are not enough to cover all the possible fault scenarios? Talk with the owner Dr. Ing. Christian Carrieri, CEO President: “Project validation is a must: it’s the moment you buy your life insurance. Do your customers want your products faster? Hurry up! All should have...

Electronics used in rolling stock in line with the EN50155. Novasom industries starting point for developing

Electronics used in rolling stock in line with the EN50155. Novasom industries starting point for developing

Sharing our experience so that it became your strength. Talk with the owner Dr. Ing. Christian Carrieri, CEO President: “To be a company historically involved in Automotive, Railways, Electronics R&D, Embedded Computers, High-Rel devices with recognized expertise in Functional Security analysis means we have background in using various features, systems or procedures to avoid failure...