Do the real-time measurement while injecting real faults with our custom Fault-injection HIL

Do the real-time measurement while injecting real faults with our custom Fault-injection HIL

The statistical-theoretical analysis commonly used to determine FMEDA will not solve all your real problems, as a pure black box approach will not. So how to reach unreachable points or realistically control electrical fault, at any level in your circuit? We have good news for you: it’s the Novasom industries’ fault injection solution – a...

Electronics used in rolling stock in line with the EN50155. Novasom industries starting point for developing

Electronics used in rolling stock in line with the EN50155. Novasom industries starting point for developing

Sharing our experience so that it became your strength. Talk with the owner Dr. Ing. Christian Carrieri, CEO President: “To be a company historically involved in Automotive, Railways, Electronics R&D, Embedded Computers, High-Rel devices with recognized expertise in Functional Security analysis means we have background in using various features, systems or procedures to avoid failure...



Operating Temperature Range The big problem is not the lower limit, -20 or -40, but THE UPPER! Then, generally speaking, and excluding some particular PLLs or analog electronics, not the cases in our Industrial SBC world, all automatically heat themselves while working. While excluding the ice and humidity problem by doing an appropriate conformal coating to the board, the big problem...