
The unique Fault Injection HIL for a real-life measurement

The unique Fault Injection HIL for a real-life measurement

Instead of doing FMEA and FMEDA analysis in the theoretical way we invent a unique Fault Injection HIL so that our customers can use a real-life measurement to benefit their products.

Novasom Industries Fault Injection HIL can inject fault on your products using a specific nail bed, where a series of CPU HW is linked. For example, it can inject a fault on the I2C bus, which is often used to read temperature or communicate with physical sensors, and meanwhile read the value of an electrical network using a 16-bit ADC to give you a real view of what’s happened. And all of this is done by a hardware array of processors that communicate with each other to ensure determinism and accuracy.

The Fault injection system consists of a main CPU that receives a command via a simple serial line (any software you want can control it) using a few distinct protocols (short channel X, channel Y to ZZ.zz Volts and beyond) and sends the command to the appropriate I/O board where another local processor will control the electronics connected with the nail bed of the specific product, communicating results to the main CPU and to the connector board that will allow engineers to plug in instruments and see in depth what is happening.

The nail bed and connector board must be specified on each specific product being tested, while HIL is a standard product that is already made but highly customized to meet particular needs. Deterministic and reliable. DEMO in stock, lifetime warranty.

To learn more about our Fault injection HIL click here


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